Efektifitas Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok Teknik FGD Untuk Mengurangi Prokrastinasi Akademik Siswa di SMP N 1 Madukara

Maurizka Dwi Apriliani
Erni Hestiningrum
Ulfa Danni Rosada
Hardi Santosa


This study aims to see the effectiveness of Group Guidance Services using thetechnique Focus Group Discussion in minimizing academic procrastination in Class VII F students of SMPN 1 Madukara. The characteristic or distinguishing feature of this research is the use of Group Guidance Services FGD techniques. Where FGD is a focus group discussion, not a free discussion. FGD is a group discussion technique to discuss the same problem, in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. The results of the calculation of the t coefficient using the SPSS program show that tcount= 19,848 compared to ttable with a significance of 5% for dk n-1=8-1=7 is 2.365. This shows that tcount  is greater than ttable, namely 19,848 > 2,365. So it was concluded that there was a significant difference between the level of student academic procrastination before and after being given FGD services. Artikelinidapatdiaksessecaraterbukadibawahlisensi CC-BY


Guidance Services; Focus Group Discussion; Academic Procrastination

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24176/jkg.v9i1.6810

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