Aplikasi Administrasi Surat Pengantar Perizinan pada Desa Cendono Berbasis Web

Eko Darmanto
Arif Setiawan
Anteng Widodo
Syafiul Muzid
Edi Prasetiyo


This research aims to develop a web-based information system that makes it easier for the people of Cendono Village to process permit cover letters online. This system is expected to speed up and increase the efficiency of village administration services. In developing this system, UML modeling was used to design the software architecture, as well as the PHP programming language and MySQL database to implement its functionality. The resulting website focuses on managing the administration of applications for permits by the public to the process of printing permit cover letters online. This process starts from filling out the application form by the community, verification by village officials, to printing a cover letter which can be downloaded by the applicant. The advantage of this system is that it can reduce direct interaction between the community and village employees, thereby reducing queues and waiting times at the village office. Apart from that, this system is also equipped with a tracking feature that allows applicants to monitor the status of their letter submissions in real-time. This not only increases transparency, but also provides comfort and certainty to the public regarding the status of their licensing documents. In the development process, this system has gone through various stages of testing to ensure its functionality and security. Testing includes testing the functionality of each feature, security testing to protect users' personal data, and usability testing to ensure a user-friendly interface. The final results of this research show that this administrative application is able to provide an effective and efficient solution in managing applications for permit cover letters in Cendono Village. With this system, it is hoped that a public service environment that is better, transparent and responsive to community needs can be created. Apart from that, the application of this technology is also the first step towards digitizing public services at the village level, which can then be adopted by other villages in Indonesia.


Administration application; Permit cover letter; Web-based information system; Public service digitalization

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