Implementasi Sistem Informasi Penjadwalan Karyawan pada PT. Harta Karun Putra Karya untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Operasional

Noor Latifah
Diana Laily Fithri
Nanik Susanti
Izza Zahra Ma'arif


In the era of globalization, the use of technology has become essential for individuals, institutions, and companies, especially in the field of information to facilitate access to necessary information and aid in decision-making. PT. Harta Karun Putra Karya, a service-oriented company specializing in engineering services, electrical installation testing, maintenance, and construction, faces challenges in managing its workforce schedule due to manual processes using Microsoft Word and Excel. This manual approach leads to inefficiencies such as input errors, scheduling inaccuracies, and time-consuming reporting. To address these issues, this research proposes the development of a web-based Employee Work Schedule Information System. This system aims to streamline scheduling processes, improve accuracy, and reduce paperwork by providing a centralized platform for scheduling and reporting employee work schedules. The study focuses on PHP programming language and MySQL database to ensure efficient data management and operational enhancement at PT. PT. Harta Karun Putra Karya.


Scheduling Management; Information Systems; Web Systems

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