Aplikasi SI-APIK Sebagai Solusi Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan bagi UMKM Makanan dan Minuman

Zuliyati Zuliyati
Wiwit Agus Triyanto
Hutomo Rusdianto


UMKM need to increase their productivity through technological improvements, so that the production process becomes more effective and efficient. Service partners are UMKM engaged in the food and beverage sector in Kudus Regency, namely Catering Bu Yati. The problem faced is the low management of the business and the unpreparedness of resources in the face of technological change so that the business is managed conventionally and traditionally. This service method uses technological guidance, application training and business management assistance. The output of this activity is the use of neat applications, increased income, as well as national seminars and publications through scientific articles in the form of proceedings or service journals.



Teks Lengkap:



Agustina, Y., Setianingsih, S., Santoso, Y.D., Pelatihan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Bagi Entitas Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah Bidang Usaha Dagang pada UMKM Binaan Pusat Inkubasi Bisnis Syariah Majelis Ulama Indonesia. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat INTERVENSI KOMUNITAS. Vol. 1, No, 1: April-September 2019. Elektro, J. T., Sains, F., & Cendana, U. N. (2019). Upaya peningkatan produksi mebel pada umkm kota kupang berbasis teknologi tepat guna 1,2. 3(2), 258–265. Prasetyo, P., Andayani, E., Sofyan, M., Pembinaan Pelatihan Pembukuan Laporan Keuangan Terhadap Wajib Pajak UMKM Di Jakarta. Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis dan Sosial. Vol 1, (1), 2020, 34-39. Rinandiyana, L.R., Kusnandar, D.L., Rosyadi, A., Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Akuntansi Berbasis Android (SIAPIK) Untuk Meningkatkan Administrasi Keuangan Umkm. Jurnal Qardhul Hasan; Media Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat. Volume 6 Nomor 1, April 2020.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24176/mjlm.v5i1.7712

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