Tindak Tutur Perlokusi pada Pidato Presiden Jokowi Terkait Pelonggaran Penggunaan Masker

Nanda Fatimatuz Zahro
Silvia Saifatul Husnia
Bela Nur Yulita
Sindy Putri Damayanti


This study aims to describe the forms of classification of perlocutionary speech acts in President Jokowi's speech regarding the easing of the use of masks. This analysis uses qualitative research methods, with observations and discussions on the data that has been collected, perlocutionary speech act analysis using this qualitative method takes data through a You Tube video entitled "Menkes Press Conference and the Covid-19 Task Force on Easing the Obligation to Wear Masks. ” on the Kompas.com You Tube channel. The sequence of this qualitative method is: 1) Determining the theme of the research to be carried out; 2) Carry out problem solving; 3) Make a list of questions; 4) Conducting Observations; 5) Perform data collection; 6) Perform data filtering again.


pragmatics, perlocutionary speech acts, speech

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24176/sinesis.v1i1.8949

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