Analisis Deiksis pada Berita Tribun Medan TV “Adzan Dibandingkan dengan Suara Anjing?”

Eva nova shahira
Nova Amalia Afifah
Luthfiyana Faridatul Isma
Yoga - Alfaridzi


This study aims to identify and describe place deixis, people deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis in the news of the Medan Tv Tribune "Adzan Compared to the Voice of Anjng?" to find out what meaning is contained in the word that requires the reference. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The results of this study are 1) There are four persona diexes namely my words, he, we, and they. 2) There are six diexist places, namely the word Mosque, Mosque, Houses of Worship, Complex, Polda Metro Jaya, and Police Office. 3) There are five time dictions, namely when, before, after, 3 pm, and 30 seconds. 4) There are five discourse dictions, namely this word, that, this thing, that video, and the following. 5) There are five social dictions, namely the word non-Muslim environment, Muslim majority, friends, the minister of religion, and the Indonesian Youth Congress.


Deixis, News, Pragmatic Analysis

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