Teknik Reward and Punishment dalam Pembelajaran PKn di Sekolah Dasar

Anjar Anggita Risasongko
Much. Arsyad Fardani
Lovika Ardana Riswari


The aim of this research is to determine the form of application of reward and punishment techniques in PKN learning in elementary schools.

The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis by matching patterns and making explanations. To check the validity of the data in this research, the author used source collation.

The results of this research show that applying reward and punishment techniques is able to shape the character education of students so that they can be more active, educative, responsible, disciplined, obedient, orderly, focused, conducive and enthusiastic in the PKN learning process on Pancasila material. The unique form that is applied is by giving rewards in the form of school stationery, symbolic forms such as pictures of stars, words, reinforcements, candy, snacks, two thousand rupiah, shouting during learning, giving thumbs up and warm touches by teachers such as rubbed his head. Meanwhile, forms of punishment include providing reinforcement, singing national and regional songs, educational punishment, cleaning the room, standing in front of the class, additional assignments, and in verbal and written form. The conclusion in this research is that the existence of reward and punishment techniques in verbal, written and symbolic form can foster learning motivation in students.


learning, reward and punishment, elementary schools

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24176/wasis.v4i2.10828

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