Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Tema 2 Melalui Model Jelajah Alam Sekitar Pada Siswa Kelas VI

Indah Anggraeni
Khamdun Khamdun
Sekar Dwi Ardianti


This study aims to determine the increase in teacher teaching skills by applying the JAS  learning model and to determine the increase in student learning outcomes through the application of the Surrounding Nature Exploration (JAS) learning model on the theme 2 class VI of SD 1 Prambatan Kidul. Classroom action research was carried out in class VI SD 1 Prambatan Kidul with 20 students as subjects. This research was carried out in 2 cycles consisting of 2 meetings. The independent variable is the Natural Exploration model, while the dependent variable is the teacher's skills and student learning outcomes. Data collection techniques are interviews, observations, tests, and documentation. Data analysis includes quantitative and qualitative. The results showed that there was an increase in the attitude aspect in cycle I obtaining an average value of 76 (Enough) and in cycle II obtaining an average value of 79 (Enough). Results Students' skills experienced an increase in the first cycle 77.125 (Good) and in the second cycle obtained an average value of 77.775 (Good). Teacher skills in cycle I obtained an average score of 70 (Good) and in cycle II obtained an average value of 79 (Good). Student learning outcomes from pre-cycle on science content were 30% (moderate), cycle I increased to 60% (high), and cycle II with a percentage of classical proficiency of 85% (very high). Whereas in the Indonesian language load cycle, I got 50 (moderate) and cycle II got 75 (good). The conclusion sof this study is that the application of the Surrounding Nature Exploration (JAS) model can improve learning outcomes in theme 2 in class VI students of SD 1 Prambatan Kidul


JAS models, Learning Outcomes, Teaching Skills


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