Perilaku Prososial Ditinjau dari Empati dan Kematangan Emosi

Gusti Yuli Asih
Margaretha Maria Shinta Pratiwi


This recearched was aimed to realize the relation between empathy and emotional maturity toward prosocial behavior. There were
two hypotheses proposed, which, there was a relationship existed between empathy and emotional maturity. Second hypothesis, there
was a difference prosocial behavior among man and woman.
Indicator used for measuring prosocial behavior, empathy, and emotional maturity was the use of scale. Subjects used in this research
are 49 subjects. Data analysis used regression and t-test analysis. The result of the test showed that there was a significant positive
relationship between empathy, emotional maturity, toward prosocial behavior showed by Rxy=0,932 with p=0,000, and no difference in prosocial behavior among men and women.


Psikologi Perkembangan; Psikologi Sosial

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