Klastering Industri Kecil Dan Menengah Di Kecamatan Gebog Kabupaten Kudus Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis

Arif Setiawan
Pratomo Setiaji


Research by title geographic information system clustering of small and medium industries in the sub district gebog Holy done in order to provide a reference to the Holy District Government , in developing small and medium industries in the district Gebog . Geographic Information System industry clustering in the district gebog mapped based on location , mapping industry in the district Gebok first step in the development of small and medium industries in all regions of the Holy , where the industry will be grouped based on the number of business units , total employment , and investment value . The method used in this study is to map the industry small and medium industries in the district area Gebog , the data used in this study is the data Gebog industry in the district . Bearing and distance retrieved from the zero point is square - the main sanctuary . The results of this study is a map -based information systems , and displays information on the number of business units , the amount of labor and the value of the investment industry in the district gebog .

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