Influence of Group Investigation Model Assisted by Media Puzzle to Increase Understanding of Science Concepts of Class V Students

Agustin Khoirun Nisa'
Jimin Budiyono


One of the essential things in achieving educational goals is the ability to understand students' concepts. Understanding the concept of students is the ability of students to understand the knowledge they have learned. In improving students' understanding of concepts, there is a need for teaching innovations in the form of learning models and media. In learning science in elementary schools, it is necessary to apply the understanding of concepts appropriately as basic science at the next level. So, a suitable model and media must be needed to understand student science. The learning model can be a group investigation model that can activate students during learning activities. In addition, there is a need for puzzle media that can facilitate students' understanding of the material studied. So, this study aims to determine an increase after applying the butterfly puzzle media-assisted group investigation model to the experience of science conditions of grade V students. The study lasted for three meetings. The independent variables in this study were the group investigation model and butterfly puzzle media. At the same time, the dependent variable is the understanding of the student's concept. The data analysis techniques used in this study were the normality and n-gain tests. By understanding the concept, students increased between pretest and post-test scores, with an average normality gain of 0.5843 in the medium category. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the use of the group investigation model with butterfly puzzle media can improve the understanding of science concepts of grade V students of SDN 2 Wonosemi.


Improvement;Group Investigation Model;Media Puzzle;Concept Understanding;Science

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