Kontrol Diri dan Kecanduan Game Online, serta Hubungannya dengan Perilaku Agresif

Rina Uswatul Khasanah


This study aims to determine the relationship between self-control and addiction to online games with aggressive behavior. The instruments used are the self-control scale, the online game addiction scale, and the valid and reliable scale of aggressive behavior. The results showed that there was a relationship between self-control and aggressive behavior in junior high school students, with a significance (0.042 < 0.05); there was no relationship between online game addiction and aggressive behavior in junior high school students, with a significance (0.619 > 0.05); there was a relationship between self-control and online game addiction and aggressive behavior in junior high school students, with significance (0.042 > 0.05). The final study concluded that there was a significant relationship between self-control and addiction to online games with aggressive behavior in junior high school students.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24176/jkg.v9i1.8344

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