peningkatan hasil belajar siswa melalui media Quizizz berpaduan video youtube pada siswa kelas IV sd 1 gamong

Ratna Eka Sari
Nur Fahrie
Diana Ermawati
Lailatus Sa'diah


Abstract: This research aimed to know improvement of  results learning, students learning activity and teacher teaching skill on the topic social culture diversity. This research was conducted in two cycles each cycle consist of 2 meetings steps of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The research proves that the application quizizz media and youtube video can improve results learning on cognitive aspects with an average grade of 76 – 65 – 7, psychomotor aspect was on increase in the average grade of 64% - 81% and behaviour aspect was on increase in the average grade of 70% - 82%. Inscreasing activity students in the average grade of 70% - 85% and increase of teaher teaching skill of 76% - 86%. It is concluded that  application quizizz media and youtube video can improve results learning students, students learning activity and teacher teaching skill on the topic social culture diversity.

Keywords: Results learning, Quizizz media, Youtube video.

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