Revolusi Manajemen Inventarisasi Pelatihan: Implementasi Sistem Berbasis Web di BLK Kabupaten Kudus

Supriyono Supriyono
Muhammad Arifin
Soni Adiyono
Zainur Romadhon
Rizka Arum Matli'ah


The Web-Based Training Goods Inventory Information System at BLK Kudus Regency was developed to overcome various problems in inventory management at the Department of Manpower, Industry, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises Kudus Regency. This project was implemented from 1 February 2021 to 1 March 2021, with the main objective of analyzing and designing a system that can increase efficiency and accuracy in managing inventory data. Before this system existed, goods data collection was carried out using Microsoft Excel which was not online, causing problems such as increasingly large files and the need to move data between devices manually. With a web-based system, inventory data can be accessed in real-time, reducing memory usage on the device, and making the process of reading and updating data easier.This research uses field observation methods and interviews with related department employees, as well as theories that have been obtained during lectures. The system development method used is the waterfall method, while the information system design is carried out using Flow of Document (FO), Unified Modeling Language (UML), and the PHP programming language. The results of this research show that this web-based information system is able to solve existing problems and improve inventory management performance at the Department of Manpower, Industry, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises in Kudus Regency.


Inventory Information System; Kudus Regency BLK; Inventory management; Waterfall method

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