Pengelolaan Efisien Bahan Baku dengan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Persediaan Berbasis Web pada CV. Cahaya Printing

R Rhoedy Setiawan
Andy Prasetyo Utomo
Pratomo Setiaji
Ervan Pangestu


CV. Cahaya Printing is a company operating in the printing and offset sector, founded by Dafaza Indika in mid-2020. Even though managing raw materials using Microsoft Excel is quite good, the company still faces difficulties in preparing raw material usage reports. The administration had to create daily reports and check data compliance manually, which resulted in inefficiencies. Therefore, a web-based raw material inventory management information system is needed to assist inventory management. This research uses observation methods, interviews with warehouse administration, as well as theories from literature and lectures. The development of this system applies the Waterfall method, and the design uses FOD (Flow of Document) and UML (Unified Modeling Language). The resulting system is expected to increase efficiency and accuracy in raw material inventory management at CV. Cahaya Printing.


Information Systems; inventory management; Web-Based

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