Journal Contact

Mailing Address

Indonesian Language and Literature Education Departement, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Universitas Muria Kudus Kampus, Gondangmanis, Bae Kudus Gd. L. lt I PO BOX 53

Kudus Telephone (0291) 438229 ex. 155 Fax. (0291) 437198

Editor-In-Chief: Dr. Irfai Fathurohman, M.Pd. (HP/WA 085740004108)

Principal Contact

Irfai Fathurohman
Dr. M.Pd.
Universitas Muria Kudus

Indonesian Language and Literature Education Departement, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Universitas Muria Kudus Kampus, Gondangmanis, Bae Kudus Gd. L. lt I PO BOX 53

Kudus Telephone (0291) 438229 ex. 155 Fax. (0291) 437198

Phone: +62291438229
Fax: +62291437198

Support Contact

Dr. Irfai Fathurohman, M.Pd.
Phone: +62291438229