Code Switching and Code Mixing in Learning Activities by a Teacher at a Primary School

Kamarudin Zai
Sadieli Telaumbanua
Christin Agustina Purba


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menggambarkan wujud alih kode guru dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di SD Negeri 071036 Turumbaho, (2) menggambarkan wujud campur kode guru dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di SD Negeri 071036 Turumbaho, dan (3) menggambarkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi adanya alih kode dan campur kode guru dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di SD Negeri 071036 Turumbaho. Metode penelitian yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah guru SD Negeri 071036 Turumbaho, objek penelitian yakni bahasa atau tuturan guru dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Desain penelitian yaitu analisis isi (content analysis). Instrumen penelitian yakni dokumen dalam bentuk bahasa atau tuturan guru. Waktu penelitian selama tiga bulan yakni bulan Februari sampai dengan April 2023.   Hasil penelitian, peneliti menemukan wujud alih kode guru di kelas 1, 2 dan 3 SD Negeri 071036 Turumbaho adalah alih kode intern bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa daerah Nias berupa frasa sebanyak dua (2) data dengan persentase 20,00% dan kalimat sebanyak delapan (8) data dengan persentase 80,00%. Sementara wujud campur kode yakni campur kode intern bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa daerah Nias berupa penyisipan kata sebanyak tiga (3) data dengan persentase 23,08%, frasa sebanyak tujuh (7) data dengan persentase 53,85%, klausa sebanyak satu (1) data dengan persentase 7,69%, dan kalimat sebanyak dua (2) data dengan persentase 15,38%.


This study aims to (1) describe the form of teacher code switching in learning activities at SD, (2) describe the form of teacher code mixing in learning activities at SD, and (3) describe the factors that influence the transfer teacher's code and code mixing in learning activities at SD. The research method is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects were teachers at SD, the object of research was the teacher's language or speech in learning activities. The research design is content analysis. The research instrument is a document in the form of teacher language or utterances. The research time is three months, from February to April 2023. The results of the study, the researchers found that the form of teacher code switching in grades 1, 2 and 3 of SD was internal code switching from Indonesian to Nias regional languages in the form of two (2) data phrases with a percentage of 20.00% and eight sentences (8 ) data with a percentage of 80.00%. Meanwhile, the form of code mixing, namely mixing the internal code of Indonesian into the Nias regional language, is in the form of inserting three (3) words with a percentage of 23.08%, seven (7) phrases with a percentage of 53.85%, one (1) clause data with a percentage of 7.69%, and sentences of two (2) data with a percentage of 15.38%.


code mixing; code switching; learning; sociolinguistics


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