Deversifikasi Produk Berbasis Android pada Kelompok Pengrajin Pigura Kaligrafi Kliwon Kabupaten Kudus

Muhammad Arifin
Zuliyati Zuliyati


Calligraphy Craftsmen are a part of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) that produce various types of Calligraphy Crafts that are highly needed both for interior decoration of houses, offices, prayer rooms, mosques and as souvenirs. The "Kliwon" Calligraphy Craftsmen Group located in the Kliwon Market in Kudus Regency, Central Java Province, which is a wholesale and retail trade center for local traders in Central Java and outside Java. Their problems are (1) the quality of products that are of less quality because they are oriented towards low prices, products that are monotonous in shape, do not keep up with the times, (2) unstable production only fulfills orders, (3) conventional marketing, (4) low human resources will master the science and technology. The solution to overcome these problems is Bimtek (Technology Guidance), assistance and strengthening in business management. Priority scale to overcome problems through application-based training on android and computer training to create new types of products on demand, namely digital-based calligraphy, e-commerce preparation to expand business networks and management, through small business management training activities (administration, accounting, and taxation), partnership program. The aim is to: (1) spur growth in sales of Indonesian Calligraphy products through product diversification, (2) increase the development of Calligraphy Craftsmen by increasing calligraphy marketing, (3) accelerate the diffusion of technology and management of tertiary institutions to the Calligraphy Craftsman and (4) develop the link & process match between tertiary institutions, MSMEs, local government, and the wider community.

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Kudus Dalam Angka , 2018

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