Peningkatan Peran Olahraga Sepeda MTB pada Kontribusi Pelestarian Hutan Ngaduman Merbabu Mediator ISSI Kota Salatiga

Agung Subono
Shodiq Eko Ariyanto


After the Covid-19 pandemic, people became aware of improving health and preserving the environment. This community service aims to increase the role of sports of MTB (Mountain Bike) in contributing to forest conservation in Ngaduman Village, Merbabu Mountains by involving ISSI Salatiga City as a moderator. ISSI (Ikatan Sepeda Sport Indonesia) is a Regional Institution for Bicycle Racing in Indonesia, which is in charge of governance standards for cyclists on a Mountain. ISSI is also a member of UCI and ACC, namely international bicycle racing events that can bring in tourism and increase regional income. The results of community service show the importance of publication facilities for Mount Merbabu tourism and MTB bicycle racing events; management of tourism, officials, and MTB bicycle tracks (tracks); and the importance of coordinating with the Office of the Ministry of Youth and Sport and KONI - ISSI of Salatiga City and related parties such as the local community and Perhutani.


Olahraga Sepeda MTB; Kontribusi Pelestarian Hutan; Moderasi Lembaga Daerah

Teks Lengkap:



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Rosa, Angga (2021) Komunitas 1001 Pendaki Tanam Ribuan Pohon di Gunung Merbabu.

Situs Resmi KONI Salatiga: Ratusan Peserta Ikuti Salatiga (MTB) Downhill Championship 2019

Situs Resmi Kemenpora RI: Kapolri Dikukuhkan Jadi Ketum PB ISSI, Kemenpora Harap Balap Sepeda Indonesia Bisa Tampil di Olimpiade. (Sabtu, 11 Des 2021)


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