Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Jigsaw Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Tentang Denah Letak Benda Pada Siswa Kelas VI SDN 6 Besito

Rokhis Rokhis


Every teacher must contribute to the learning process. The series of learning processes can be realized in the concrete action. it's call the reseach especially the name is Classroom Action Research. So the learning model with Jigsaw type used for this research order to improve the learning outcomes of mathematics, especially the layout material for objects in class VI SDN 6 Besito who have not been able to absorb material about the layout of objects.  By establishing The jigsaw cooperative learning method, it's can increase the average value of student learning achievement, namely in the first cycle of 52.36 and an average increase of 78.11 in Cycle II. Then for the percentage of students' mastery learning that is as much as 23.53% in Cycle I and increased to 82.35% in Cycle II. In addition, the effect of the application of this jigsaw cooperative learning method is proven to influence the behavior patterns of students towards a better direction so as to improve learning achievement, as evidenced by the increasing number of students who actively participate in the learning process, the courage of students in asking questions, answering the questions from teacher and expressing the opinions

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