Application of Waterfall Method in Development of Tourism Bike-Sharing Transaction Information System at JojgaBike

Rifqi Tri Mabruri - [ ]
Wibawa Wibawa
Ari Kusuma Wardana - [ ]
Arifah Indah Setyorini - [ ]


JogjaBike is one of the tour bike-sharing service companies. The problem with JogjaBike is related to the lack of activities that educate customers about the flow of the rental transaction system. The tourism bike-sharing transaction information system that is implemented is still managed conventionally. Referring to the problems with JogjaBike, the purpose of this research is to design a website-based rental transaction information system at JogjaBike. The modeling used to develop information systems is the waterfall method. The results show that the system can run as expected. In addition, usability testing results with a value is 84.29 included in the NPS "Promoter" classification, Acceptability score "Acceptable", Grade Scale "A", and Adjective Rating "Excellent". For JogjaBike, a web-based tourism bike-sharing information system can be used to store data on rental transactions that have been made by customers, make it easier to prepare reports, and make it easier to evaluate business results.


Development;Tourism Bike-Sharing;Information System;Waterfall Method

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