Tindak Tutur Lokusi, Ilokusi, Perlokusi dalam Iklan Produk Mie Sedap dan Pop Mie Instan di Televisi

Nur Khayati
Bagus Tri Budi Utomo
Endah Putri Utami


This speech act research aims to examine the language used in advertisements for noodles and pop noodles as delicious. The problem in this research is how the function of locutionary speech acts, illocutionary speech acts, perlocutionary speech acts in the advertisements of delicious noodles and pop noodles on television. This study describes the locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary forms contained in the utterances of instant noodle and pop instant noodles advertisements. The implementation of this research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a pragmatic approach, the data from this study is the language of the advertisements for delicious noodles and pop instant noodles which are written and then analyzed. Data collection techniques used listening techniques, recording techniques, and note-taking techniques. The data is obtained by viewing and observing the advertisements for delicious noodles and pop instant noodles, then recording the data from the advertisements that you want to research. The results of this study indicate that there are events of locutionary speech acts, illocutionary speech acts and perlocutionary speech acts.


advertisements, speech acts, pragmatics.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24176/sinesis.v1i1.8956

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