Penggunaan Gaya Bahasa Sarkasme dalam Puisi Ucapkan Kata-Katamu Karya Wiji Thukul: Kajian Semantik

Ahsani Taqwim Musfiroh
Silvia Saifatul Husnia
Khalimatus Sa’adah
Lisa Ameliatus Sa’adah
Yoga Alfaridzi
Agus Darmuki


The purpose of this research is to find the use of sarcasm in the poem Say Your Words by Wiji Thukul. From the research it was found that in the six stanzas of the poem, there are ten lines identified in the use of sarcasm. This type of research is a qualitative research with a descriptive method which produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from the observed object. The data in this study came from poetry read through the e-book Singing Grassroots-A Complete Collection of Poetry. The subject of this study is a poem by Wiji Thukul entitled "Say Your Words". This research was conducted with documentation techniques as research support. The research is focused on looking at available data sources and then analyzing the data. The data analysis technique in this study was (a) reading a poem from Wiji Thukul entitled "Say Your Words" repeatedly, (b) classifying the poem to find out which one is included in the use of sarcasm.


Literary Work, Poetry, Language Style, Sarcasm

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