Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Melalui Penerapan Model Jigsaw pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

Afif Khoiruddin
Imaniar Purbasari
Deka Setiawan


The purpose of this study is to describe the improvement of fourth grade student learning outcomes at SD 4 Karangbener through the application of the Jigsaw learning model.

This research is a classroom action research conducted for 2 cycles, each cycle consists of 2 meetings. Each cycle consists of 4 stages, namely: planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. The subjects of this study were teachers and fourth grade students of SD 4 Karangbener Bae Kudus, totaling 19 students. The method of data collection was done through tests, interviews, observations, and documentation. The instruments used were in the form of observation sheets for teaching teacher skills, observation sheets for students' affective and psychomotor aspects of learning outcomes, multiple choice tests, and interview guide sheets. The data analysis used is quantitative and qualitative data analysis.

The results of this study showed that the first cycle obtained a percentage of 68.42%, an increase of 89.50% in the second cycle. Affective domain student learning outcomes in the first cycle an average score of 14 (good) increased to 16.64 (very good) in the second cycle. While the psychomotor learning outcomes obtained an average score of 15.5 (good) increased by 18 (very good) in the second cycle. The researcher concludes that the use of the jigsaw learning model can improve learning outcomes in learning theme 6 my ideals in class IV SD 4 Karangbener.


Jigsaw, Learning Outcomes, Elementary Students

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