Creativity Analysis of Elementary School Students in Batik Arts Education

Lila Kurnia Puryati
Radiansyah Hadi Chandra


Education at the elementary school level significantly affects the development of students' character, including their imagination and creativity. Fine arts can be used as a way to bridge this. This study aims to develop children's creativity through batik fine arts education. Many fine art activities can be done in elementary school, ranging from drawing to painting to batik. Batik can be one of the media to develop creativity in elementary school students. The results of this study state that batik can be done in various ways as needed; elementary school students can use the high print technique, which is quite simple and easy to do. High-print batik produces simple and limited motifs according to the tools used. However, it does not rule out the possibility of students' creativity, even though using straightforward tools can produce extraordinary motifs. This research was conducted by collecting data from several previous journals and then analyzing and developing the data. The subjects of this research are elementary school students. Fine arts learning requires direct practice so students can apply the material taught before.


batik;fine arts;creativity of elementary school children

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