Analysis of Basic Social Skills of Elementary School in Saman Dance Learning

Siti Aminah
Woflihani Woflihani


Education of children at an early age helps to bring out their sensitivity. Dance is one method or way to apply art education from an early age or elementary school age. Saman dance, which is unique, becomes one of the attractions to discuss in depth. Saman dance is a complex art starting from its body movements, musical instruments, and verses of songs used to accompany Saman dance. Not only that but the value contained therein, and the implied meaning can be implemented into learning. The result of this research is that the role of Saman dance learning implemented in elementary schools actively helps students form their social skills well and practice every Saman dance movement. Social skills that grow in learners are formed when doing Saman dance activities with the cooperation and building cohesiveness between one student and another. Implementing saman dance art activities for elementary school-age children helps children interact with others. This research was conducted by collecting data from several sources, such as previous research journals, and then analyzing the data from these journals. The subjects in this study are elementary school-age children and teachers, especially class teachers. Thus, this study aims to foster and improve the social skills of elementary school-age children by applying Saman dance learning in elementary schools. Sensitivity to interact socially will help children's basic social skills improve much better than before.


saman dance;dance art;children's basic social skills

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