Learning Crafts to Support the Creativity of Elementary School

Fathiinatut Taqiyyah
Cahaya Cahaya


Until now, there are still many elementary school students who do not know the true meaning of a work of art. Students who do not know the actual work of art will make it difficult for them to understand how the purpose of a work of art was created. Apart from knowing the purpose of creating a work of art, students will also be more creative and innovative in creating a work of art. Teachers play an important role in implementing fine arts learning for students. Because the teacher is the one who will teach art learning to students. Starting from explaining the meaning of craft art, its types, and even the practice of making craft art. This article attempts to explain the meaning of fine art from several existing sources, both writing and images. Not only understanding, learning about crafts is also presented in a simple way so that students can understand well the making of a work. So that they will create work that is very valuable for them, both in terms of aesthetic value and in terms of use value. It can be concluded that developing creativity in elementary school students through making craft works of art is very important. Teachers must be able to guide them in developing creativity and must also be appropriate to the abilities, interests and needs of each student. The author's hope is that students can develop their talents and creativity and also that they can understand the meaning of a work of art that is created and the purpose of making that work of art. For teachers or prospective teachers, this article will make it easier for elementary school students to learn craft arts.


definition of fine arts;types of craft arts;learning craft arts

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24176/arties.v1i2.11715

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