Form and Function of Directive Satgas COVID-19 Speech Act in The Socialization of Pandemic Resolution

Umi Kholifah
Gallant Karunia Assidik


Penelitian bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan bentuk tindak tutur direktif satgas covid-19 dalam sosialisasi penanganan pandemi, dan (2) mendeskripsikan fungsi tindak tutur direktif satgas covid-19 dalam sosialisasi penanganan pandemi pada tayangan youtube Kemenkes RI edisi penanganan pandemi bulan September. Metode penelitian yang menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian berupa tindak tutur direktif satgas covid-19. Sumber data dalam penelitian berupa media youtube kementerian kesehatan Indonesia bulan September 2021. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik SBLC (Simak Bebas Libat Cakap) yang kemudian data yang diperoleh direkam selanjutnya dilakukan mentranskip video tahap terakhir dianalisis untuk mendapatkan hasil bentuk tindak tutur direktif dan fungsi tindak tutur direktif. Data yang sudah dianalisis mendapatkan hasil yaitu bentuk-bentuk dari tindak tutur direktif berupa, (1) tindak tutur direktif perintah, (2) tindak tutur permintaan, (3) tindak tutur saran, (4) tindak tutur ajakan. Dari bentuk-bentuk tindak tutur direktif terdapat pula fungsi tindak tutur direktif berupa (1) fungsi tindak tutur perintah meliputi, memerintah, menyuruh, dan memaksa, (2) fungsi tindak tutur permintaan meliputi, meminta, mengharapkan, memohon, mengimbau, (3) fungsi tindak tutur direktif saran meliputi, nasihat, (4) fungsi tindak tutur ajakan meliputi, ajakan. Tindak tutur yang paling banyak digunakan dalam sosialisasi penanganan covid-19 ialah bentuk permintaan sedangkan tindak tutur direktif yang sedikit digunakan adalah bentuk ajakan. Adanya sosialisasi penanganan covid-19 yang diberikan, seharusnya masyarakat dapat mematuhi peraturan yang ada, guna untuk pencegahan penyebaran virus covid-19. Penangganan pandemi yang dilakukan satgas covid-19 memberikan sebuah informasi untuk mengajak masyarakat agar mematuhi protokol kesehatan.


The research aims to (1) describe the speech acts of the COVID-19 task force directive in the socialization of handling the pandemic, (2) describe the speech acts of the COVID-19 task force directive in the socialization of handling the pandemic, and (3) describe the markers of the speech acts of the COVID-19 task force directive. 19 in the socialization of the handling of the pandemic on the YouTube show of the Indonesian Ministry of Health for the September edition of the pandemic handling. The research method using descriptive qualitative methods. The research data is in the form of directive speech acts of the Covid-19 task force. The data source in the study was the Indonesian Ministry of Health's YouTube media in September 2021. The data collection used the SBLC (Simak Gratis Libat Cakap) technique, then the data obtained was then transcribed the last stage of the video and analyzed to obtain the results of the directive speech act and the function of the directive speech act. The data that have been analyzed are the forms of directive speech acts in the form of, (1) command directive speech acts, (2) request speech acts, (3) suggestion speech acts, (4) invitation speech acts. From the forms of directive speech acts there are also directive speech act functions in the form of (1) command speech act functions include, command, and command (2) request speech act functions include, request, plead and appeal, (3) suggestive directive speech act function includes, advice, (4) the function of the speech act of invitation includes, invitation. The most widely used speech act in handling COVID-19 is in the form of an order, while the least used speech act is a form of invitation. With the socialization of the handling of COVID-19, the public should be able to comply with existing regulations, in order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The handling of the pandemic carried out by the COVID-19 task force provides information to invite the public to comply with health protocols.


bentuk dan fungsi;direktif;tindak tutur


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