Literary Anthropology Analysis of Nyoman Kutha Ratna in Telegram Titik Novel Habis by Fathullah Wajdi

Mahfudoh Mahfudoh
Ade Husnul Mawadah
Firman Hadiansyah


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan sosial budaya dengan pendekatan antropologi sastra dalam kutipan novel Telegram Titik Habis karya Fathullah Wajdi. Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode hermeneutika, berkaitan langsung dengan penafisran dan analisis penulis terhadap novel. Sedangkan sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah novel Telegram Titik Habis karya Fathullah Wajdi. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini ialah (1) Aspek Bahasa, bahasa yang digunakan dalam novel Telegram Titik Habis karya Fathullah Wajdi ialah bahasa Jawa Serang (Bebasan), Bahasa Betawi, Bahasa Sunda, dan Bahasa Indonesia. (2) Aspek religi masyarakat dalam novel Telegram Titik Habis karya Fathullah Wajdi sangat kuat dalam keislaman karena mereka penganut agama islam. (3) Aspek mata pencaharian, terdapat beberapa profesi yang tergambarkan dalam novel diantaranya; kiyai, naib, guru madrasah, PNS, pedagang kue, santri, dan wiraswasta. (4) Aspek organisasi sosial atau sistem kemasyarakatan, tergambar pada novel ini masih adanya sistem perjodohan yang berlaku. (5) Nilai sosial aspek pengetahuan, sifat tokoh memberikan pesan moral kepada pembaca agar memiliki sifat sabar, gigih, berfikir maju, agamis, rendah hati, berani, tidak berputus asa dan bertanggung jawab.


This study aims to describe the socio-cultural approach to anthropology in the quote from the novel Telegram Titik Out by Fathullah Wajdi. This study uses a qualitative with hermeneutic method, directly related to the author's interpretation and analysis of this novel. While the source of data in this study is the novel Telegram Point Out by Fathullah Wajdi. The results obtained in this research are (1) Aspects of Language, the language used in the novel Telegram Point of Exhaustion by Fathullah Wajdi is Javanese Serang (Bebasan), Betawi language, and Indonesian. (2) The religious aspect of society in the novel Telegram Point of Exhaust by Fathullah Wajdi is very strong in Islam because they are adherents of the Islamic religion. (3) Aspects of livelihood, there are several professions described in the novel including: kiyai, naib, madrasa teachers, civil servants, cake traders, students, and entrepreneurs. (4) Aspects of social organization or social system, as depicted in this novel, still depict the existing matchmaking system. (5) The social value of the knowledge aspect, the character of the character gives a moral message to the reader to have patience, persistence, forward thinking, religious, humble, courageous, not giving up and responsible.


Socio-Cultural Values;Novels;Literary Anthropology


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