Reformasi Sekolah melalui Learning Community based Lesson Study (LCLS) di Sekolah Dasar

Ali Mustadi


Learning community is the community among students, among teachers, students and teachers which learn collaboratively in schools. It leads to the strengthening of the character values of the students because it creates caring community. In learning community, there is no rivalry in learning and no competition among the students but they are collaboratively learning and caring to each other instead. There are 3 basic principals of learning community: 1) the right to learn, where every student has special uniqueness and potential and the teachers should give opportunities for each student to learn; 2) teachers do not teach but teachers learn; 3) education is for public, the class should be opened for public to observe. Those three basic principles become the basis in conducting school reform. School reform here means how schools build learning community where students and teachers learn to each other to create quality education, equality, and social harmony as the educational paradigm in 21st century.

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