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Author Guidelines

  • Articles are well written in Indonesian, typed in Times New Roman with font size 12pt and 1.5 spaces on A4 paper with page margins for top, bottom, left and right are 1 inch.
  • Article file in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Articles are written in 12-18 pages, with references and citations according to the Harvard style system, namely writing references in parentheses containing the author's name and year of the article, ex: (Liana, 2016). For textbooks by page number, ex: (Hanan, 2011: 17).
  • The font size for the title is Times New Roman 14pt; capital letters, bold and centered
  • After the title, followed by the author's name typed in Times New Roman 12pt, capitalize each word, bold and centeredmenggunakan huruf kapital untuk setiap kata, dicetak tebal dan di tengah
  • Di bawah penulis, adalah nama universitas dengan huruf Times New Roman 12pt, tanpa dicetak tebal dan rata tengah. Ukuran font untuk sub-bagian dalam artikel ini adalah Times New Roman 12pt, menggunakan huruf kapital untuk setiap kata, dicetak tebal dan di tengah  tanpa penomoran.
  • Under the author, is the name of the university in Times New Roman 12pt font, without bold and centered. The font size for the subsections in this article is Times New Roman 12pt, capitalize each word, bold and centered without numbering.
  • Abstract written in Indonesian and English, which contains research objectives, methodology, research results, limitations, and future research. Abstract is written using Times New Roman 11pt, single spaced with a distance before the text of 0pt and the distance after the text of 0pt. Abstract consists of no more than 160 words.
  • Systematics of articles
  1. Title
  2. Author Identity
  3. Abstract
  4. Keywords
  5. Introduction
  6. Library Review
  7. Research methodology
  8. Results and Discussion
  9. Conclusion
  10. References
  • Tables, Figures and Graphs
  1. Tables, figures and graphs are presented as efficiently as possible (provides results only) and are included in the appendix.
  2. Tables, numbers, and graphs are numbered in order and with full titles to display the contents of tables, figures, and graphs.
  3. The author mentions the parts in the manuscript, where to include tables, figures and graphs
  4. Tables or figures must be interpreted without having to refer to the text.
  5. Source of tables, figures, and graphics must be included.
  6. Images must be prepared in printable form.
  • Reference
  1. Contains only references referenced in the manuscript and is written alphabetically based on the initial letters of the first author's name.
  2. If in book form, the names of all authors, year, book title, edition, publisher and place are included.
  3. If reference in the form of a journal, the author's name, year, title, journal name, volume, publication number, and pages are included.
  4. If you're taking an article in a book, include the author's name, year, title, editor, book title, publisher, and place.
  5. The way of writing the name of the author whose work is cited is consistent with the way of writing the name in the reference list.
  6. The reference year is expected to be 80% of the primary source.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The manuscript has never been published/is in the process of being reviewed in any journal/conference.
  2. Manuscripts uploaded in DOC/DOCX format
  3. Reference using Mendeley/Zotero

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Jurnal Studi Manajemen Bisnis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


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The name and email address entered on the journal site will be used exclusively for the journal's stated purposes and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.