Jaya Pradana
Mochamad Edris
Sutono Sutono



This study analyzes the effect of online marketing, e-service quality, e-recovery service quality on loyalty through consumer satisfaction of Shopee users in Kudus Regency with a sample of 200 respondents. Data analysis using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with research results in the first mathematical equation Z (satisfaction) = 0.045 X1 (online marketing) + 0.594 X2 (e-service quality) + 0.367 X3 (e-recovery service quality) with R2 = 0.726 and the second mathematical equation Y = 0.296 X1 + 0.326X2 + 0.150X3 +0.409Z with a value of R2 = 0.989. And the conclusion is that there is a positive and insignificant effect between online marketing on e-recovery service quality satisfaction and loyalty. There is a positive and significant effect of e-service quality on satisfaction, e- recovery service quality on satisfaction, online marketing on loyalty, e-service quality on loyalty, satisfaction on loyalty. Satisfaction only mediates e-service quality on loyalty and does not mediate online marketing on loyalty and e-recovery service quality on loyalty.


Penelitan ini menganalisis pengaruh online marketing, e-service quality, e-recovery service quality terhadap loyalitas melalui kepuasan konsumen pengguna Shopee di Kabupaten Kudus dengan sampel sebanyak 200 responden. Analisis data menggunakan SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) dengan hasil penelitian dalam persamaan matematik pertama Z (kepuasan) = 0,045 X1 (online marketing) + 0,594 X2 (e-service quality) + 0,367 X3 (e-recovery service quality) dengan nilai R2 = 0,726 dan persamaan matematik kedua Y = 0,296 X1 + 0,326X2 + 0,150X3 + 0,409Z dengan nilai R2 = 0,989. Dan kesimpulannya terdapat pengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan antara online marketing terhadap kepuasan e-recovery service quality terhadap loyalitas. Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan e-service quality terhadap kepuasan, e-recovery service quality terhadap kepuasan, online marketing terhadap loyalitas, e-service quality terhadap loyalitas, kepuasan terhadap loyalitas. Kepuasan hanya memediasi e-service quality terhadap loyalitas dan tidak memediasi online marketing terhadap loyalitas serta e-recovery service quality terhadap loyalitas.


online marketing;e-service quality;e-recovery service quality;kepuasan;loyalitas

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