The Effect of Capital Structure, Dividend Policy and Cash Holding on Firm Value

Diyah Anandita
Dwi Septiani


This study examines the effect of Capital structure, Dividend Policy and Cash Holding on Firm Value in food and beverage sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2017-2021. This type of research is quantitative research and sampling methods using purposive sampling. The population in this study was 66 companies from food and beverage sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample of this study was 17 companies with a total of 85 observations. The study's results partially show that the Capital Structure does not affect the Firm Value, the dividend policy does not affect the Firm Value, and the Cash Holding variable positively and significantly affects the Firm Value. The study's results simultaneously showed that the Capital Structure, Dividend Policy and Cash Holding significantly affected the Firm's Value.


capital structure, dividend policy, cash holding, firm value

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