Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi, Motivasi dan Kompensasi pada Kinerja Manajerial dengan Internal Locus Of Control sebagai Variabel Moderasi

Arief Adi Saputro
Joko Utomo


This study is aimed to examine the effect of organization commitment, motivation and
compensation to the managerial performance trough internal locus of control as a moderating
variables. The object of this research is FKTP BPJS Health in Kudus Regency. As for the
population in this study as many as 116 FKTP BPJS Health in Kudus Regency using population
sample method. The analysis technique used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The
results of this study indicate that organization commitment, motivation and compensation had
a significant effect on managerial performance, internal locus of control was also proven to be
successful in strengthening the relationship between organizational commitment, motivation,
and compensation with managerial performance of FKTP BPJS Health in Kudus Regency.


commitment;motivation;compensation;internal locus of control;performance


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