Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Perusahaan, Ukuran Perusahaan, dan Keputusan Investasi terhadap Nilai Perusahaan pada Perusahaan Sektor Property dan Real Estate

Atika Suryandani



Globalization in economics provides an opportunity for every company to enter wider business
environment in the face of MEA. The implementation of MEA challenges Indonesian company to seize
market opportunities in an increasingly competitive business environment. Property and Real Estate
sector companies are chosen as the object of research because in 2016 property business sector was
among those who were rising. This sector also supports the growth of real sector which is an indicator
of the improvement of macroeconomic conditions in Indonesia.
This study aims to determine the effect of corporate growth, firm size, and investment decisions
on company value. Research object is property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange period 3 years 2014 - 2016. Population in this study as many as 40 companies with 19
companies as sample using purposive sampling method. The results of this study indicate that the
variable growth of the company affect corporate value; size of the company does not affect the corporate
value; while investment decision variables do not affect corporate value.


company growth;company size;investment decision;corporate value


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